Individualised Immune Health Monitoring and AI-driven diagnostics

Algosom® utilises the power of AI and personalised monitoring of the immune system to detect, prevent and ultimately end disease.

The Benefits of Algosom®

Explore the revolutionary, remote blood testing and analytics solution for your needs.

For health care professionals and hospitals
Algosom® is a cloud based predictive medicine technology platform that provides a medically-driven solution by harnessing the power of responsible AI and the immune system to transform medicine. Contact us to receive information on the benefits of our AI-powered web biotech platform.
  • A more efficient and timelier, medically-driven, supportive remote patient monitoring system
  • A visual dashboard and individualised smart report for patients
  • Analysis of trends based on proven scores and patient’s personalised baselines
  • A reduction of hospital/clinic visits and infection risks
  • An optimal balance in treatment cycles between efficacy and tolerance
  • Enables clinicians to deliver regular contact and care to patients
  • Relieves clinicians of time-consuming tasks, which are of critical when dealing with large backlogs of patients

The Testing Process

Algosom applies algorithms for personalised medicine to monitor the immune system and blood-related conditions based on blood testing.

Universal medical device

  • Cell abnormality
  • CBC with differential
  • Cell viability
  • Immunofluorescence assays
  • High accuracy within 5 min

Intuitive AI diagnostics

  • Advanced medical AI-reasoning capabilities
  • Score-based triaging and automation of blood results
  • Precision medicine regularity for early diagnosis and treatment
  • Learning and building a personal database
  • Adaptive and predictive capabilities
  • Models that are linked to medical guidance
Contact us to find out more about Algosom® and book a demonstration.

Web and App-Based Predictive Medicine Technology Platform

The patient dashboard visualises your risk assessment score. This innovative analysis flags deviations smaller than the traditional reference population values, allowing a level of personalisation and sophistication not available before in the analysis of blood test results. 

Data merging and aggregator

Patient medical data from multiple sources: printouts (OCR), lab, devices (both from clinicians and patients)

Customised questionnaires

Designed by their doctors to capture adverse events from patients at testing time or any other time

Flags for rapid changes

Delivers on the promise of early detection and personalised medicine


Displays the medical literature used to arrive at the conclusion

Precision medicine

Learns from the user’s health behaviour over time and builds a profile and personal baselines

Patient triaging

Tested against a sample of hundreds of thousands of real clinical cases. It separates healthy from non-healthy cases using regular blood test markers (even in the presence of significant noise)

What is Algosom®?

Oxford Immune Algorithmics’ AI solution is a medical assistant that enables doctors and patients to be more efficient at monitoring users’ health and can be used from the comfort of patients’ own homes.

Our teams of developers, bioengineers, AI experts and medical leaders have dedicated their careers to take the most pressing health challenges such as cancer, infection, tropical disease, and antibiotic resistance head-on. Highlights of Algosom® include:

  • Causal diagnostics, a cutting-edge and responsible, model-based approach to medicine that differs from simplistic AI-powered approaches based on statistical classification.
  • AI that mimics human reasoning enabled by a combination of cutting-edge symbolic and cognitive computation that relies on both human mind-type processes and machine intelligence.
  • Two-way meaningful communication capabilities between patient and doctor to match symptoms and adverse effects to tests which are performed at home.

  • Longitudinal, non-invasive, (quasi) real-time and cost-effective health monitoring.

Your Personalised Biotech Platform

Algosom is a platform able to learn and build personalised baselines and provide a holistic approach, rather than isolated snapshots of a person’s health.

It achieves this by using cutting-edge research on immunology, causality in cell biology, and biological complexity that our team has pioneered at some of the world’s leading research and medical universities, including Oxford, Cambridge and Karolinska (the institution that awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine).

Algosom, the platform developed by Oxford Immune Algorithmics (OIA), is a remote patient monitoring AI-driven web-based platform that allows clinicians to monitor their patient’s blood tests with advanced AI-driven tools for precision, predictive medicine, and a personalised experience, ensuring better health outcomes and patient-doctor relationships.

It enables a sophisticated AI-driven analysis of blood results, allowing remote patient monitoring services and clinicians to monitor patient blood results over time, predict trends and produce a possible clinical model, improving patient experience.

Algosom applies sophisticated algorithms to recognise personalised patterns that can help with early diagnosis or response to treatment. Algosom provides unsurpassed, value-based, personalised immunological monitoring and automates monitoring and precision management of disease in real time.

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